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Monday, March 26, 2007

10 Programming Languages You Should Learn Right Now

10 Programming Languages You Should Learn Right Now
dear all,Nge-fordwar dari mailis lain=====10 Programming Languages You Should Learn Right Now By Deborah Rothberg September 15, 2006 Knowing a handful of programming languages is seen bymany as a harbor in a job market storm, solid skillsthat will be marketable as long as the languages are. Yet, there is beauty in numbers. While there may bedevelopers who have had riches heaped on them byknowing the right programming language at the righttime in the right place, most longtime coders willtell you that periodically learning a new language isan essential part of being a good and successful Webdeveloper. "One of my mentors once told me that a programminglanguage is just a programming language. It doesn'tmatter if you're a good programmer, it's the syntaxthat matters," Tim Huckaby, CEO of San Diego-basedsoftware engineering company CEO Interknowlogy.com,told eWEEK. However, Huckaby said that while his company is"swimming" in work, he's having a nearly impossibletime finding recruits, even on the entry level, thatknow specific programming languages. "We're hiring like crazy, but we're not having an easytime. We're just looking for attitude and aptitude,kids right out of school that know .Net, or even Java,because with that we can train them on .Net," saidHuckaby. "Don't get fixated on one or two languages. When Istarted in 1969, FORTRAN, COBOL and S/360 Assemblerwere the big tickets. Today, Java, C and Visual Basicare. In 10 years time, some new set of languages willbe the 'in thing.' …At last count, I knew/have learnedover 24 different languages in over 30 years," WayneDuqaine, director of Software Development at GrandviewSystems, of Sebastopol, Calif., told eWEEK. By picking the brains of Web developers and ITrecruiters, eWEEK selected 10 programming languagesthat are a bonus for developers to add to theirresumes. Even better, they're great jumping-offpoints, with loads of job opportunities for youngerrecruits. 1. PHP What it is: An open-source, interpretive, server-side,cross-platform, HTML scripting language, especiallywell-suited for Web development as it can be embeddedinto HTML pages. Why you should learn it: It's particularly widelyused. "High-speed scripting with caching, augmentedwith compiled code plug-ins (such as can be done withPerl and PHP) is where the future is. Building Webapps from scratch using C or COBOL is going the way ofthe dinosaur," said Duquaine. Job availabilities: 1,152* 2. C# What it is: A general-purpose, compiled,object-oriented programming language developed byMicrosoft as part of its .NET initiative, it evolvedfrom C and C++ Why you should learn it: It's an essential part of the.Net framework. "Learning C#, which is just Java witha different name plate, is critical if you heavily useMicrosoft," said Duquaine. Job availabilities: 5,111 3. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) What it is: Though technically not a programminglanguage, AJAX uses XHTML or HTML, JavaScript and XMLto create interactive Web applications. Why you should learn it: Ever since Google Maps putAJAX, well, on the map, the requests forAJAX-knowledgeable pros went through the roof. "Thedemand for AJAX knowledge is huge because it's sodamned hard to learn," said Huckaby. Of note,Microsoft announced recently plans to release a toolnamed Atlas that will make AJAX easier to implement."If Microsoft's Atlas tool is successful, it wouldbring the extreme complexity and annoyance of AJAX tothe average worker," said Huckaby. Job availabilities : 1,106 4. JavaScript What it is: Not to be confused with Java, JavaScriptis a an object-oriented, scripting programminglanguage that runs in the Web browser on the clientside. It's smaller than Java, with a simplified set ofcommands, easier to code and doesn't have to becompiled. Why you should learn it: Embedded into HTML, it's usedin millions of Web pages to validate forms, createcookies, detect browsers and improve the design. Withits simplicity to learn as well as wide use, it'sconsidered a great bang for your educational buck. Job availabilities: 4,406 5. Perl What it is: Perl is an open-source, cross-platform,server-side interpretive programming language usedextensively to process text through CGI programs. Why you should learn it: Perl's power in processing ofpiles of text has made it very popular and widely usedto write Web server programs for a range of tasks."Learning some form of scripting language, such asPerl or PHP is critical if you are doing Web apps,"said Duquaine. Job availabilities: 4,810 6. C What it is: A standardized, general-purposeprogramming language, it's one of the most pervasivelanguages and the basis for several others (such asC++). Why you should learn it: "Learning C is crucial. Onceyou learn C, making the jump to Java or C# is fairlyeasy, because a lot of the syntax is common. Also, alot of C syntax is used in scripting languages," saidDuquaine. Job availabilities: 6,164, including all derivatives 7. Ruby and Ruby on Rails What they are: Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented,open-source programming language; Ruby on Rails is anopen-source Web application framework written in Rubythat closely follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller)architecture. Why you should learn it: With a focus on simplicity,productivity and letting the computers do the work, ina few years, its usage has spread quickly. As a bonus,many find it easy to learn. Job availabilities : 210 and 54, respectively 8. Java What it is: An object-oriented programming languagedeveloped by James Gosling and colleagues at SunMicrosystems in the early 1990s. Why you should learn it: Hailed by many developers asa "beautiful" language, it is central to the non-.Netprogramming experience. "Learning Java is critical ifyou are non-Microsoft," said Duquaine. Job availabilities: 14,408 9. Python What it is: An interpreted, dynamicallyobject-oriented, open-source programming language thatutilizes automatic memory management. Why you should learn it: Designed to be a highlyreadable, minimalist language, many say it has a senseof humor (spam and eggs, rather than foo and bar),Python is used extensively by Google as well as inacademia because of its syntactic simplicity. Job availabilities: 811 10. VB.Net (Visual Basic .Net) What it is: An object-oriented language implemented onMicrosoft's .Net framework. Why you should learn it: Most argue that VB.Net iscurrently more popular than ever and one of the only"must-learns." "It is currently dominating in adoptionand that is where all the work is," said Huckaby. Job availabilities: 2,090 * All numbers on job availability were pulled fromnationwide queries on Dice.com, a job site fortechnology professionalElkindi

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